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SUFS is delighted that the work to implement the findings of the Independent Care Review has begun. 

The Review’s recommendations, known as ‘The Promise’, include a strong focus on supporting the relationships of brothers and sisters in care, with the clear message that siblings must be kept together, and where that’s not possible they must be supported to keep in touch, and their rights to be part of decision-making about their brothers and sisters must be protected. Stand Up for Siblings was represented in the Care Review’s Siblings Group which looked at the issues faced by brothers and sisters and fed its conclusions into the final Promise. Details of the evidence gathered by the Review, including on siblings, has now been published in a 1760-page Care Review Evidence Framework

‘The Promise’, the team which will take forward the Review’s blueprint, started work on 1st July as a small team transitioned from the Care Review, but will soon expand – recruitment is underway (for more information on vacancies, click here.

Fiona Duncan, who chaired the Independent Care Review, will chair The Promise Oversight Board. 50% of its members will be care experienced, with more information on a recruitment plan for the Oversight Board expected in August.

On 16th July, Deputy First Minister John Swinney announced a £4 million ‘Promise Fund’ and said that existing funding in the care system will also be re-profiled. You can read the statement and debate in the Scottish Parliament here and watch it here

Keep up to date on all the developments at www.thepromise.scot



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