
This section contains resources mainly aimed at professionals dealing with sibling contact. If you think a resource is missing, please let us know.

Information for children and young people
Young People - Know Your Rights pack
Children – Know Your Rights pack
Families Outside - Siblings
Families Outside - Prison
Families Outside - Secure Care
Staying Connected Report - Child Friendly Version
Video: Siblings Voices - Staying Connected Project
Community of Practice for siblings
Newsletter December 2023
West Dunbartonshire Brothers and Sisters Community of Practice Presentation
Briefing - Brothers & Sisters in West Dunbartonshire
Glasgow Family Connections Assessment and Plan
Poem - 'To Have You There By My Side'
Standing up for Glasgow's Siblings
Breakout session - discussion themes - February 2024
Community of Practice for Siblings Newsletter April 2024
Community of Practice for Siblings Newsletter August 2024
Reports/Best Practice
Out of Pocket: Fairer Fees for Foster Carers
Prioritising Sibling Relationships for Looked After Children
Who Cares? Scotland Sibling Separation and Contact Young Radicals Report
Clan Childlaw publication on Promoting Sibling Contact for Looked After Children and other resources
‘Together or Apart’ by Jenifer Lord and Sarah Borthwick
Sibling Placement and Contact in Out-of-Home Care (Create Foundation)
Keeping in touch
What happens to siblings in the care system (Family Rights Group)
Adoption with siblings – Contact with parents (Ofsted)
What is known about the placement and outcomes of siblings in foster care? (Rees Centre)
Keeping in Touch Guidance – Edinburgh City Council
Charter for brothers and sisters
CORAM/BAFF new Good Practice Guide
The Rights of Siblings under International Children’s Rights Law
Childrens Commissioner - Siblings in Care report
STAR evaluation - Briefing for Caregivers
STAR evaluation - Briefing for Managers & Policy Makers
STAR evaluation - Briefing for Professionals
STAR evaluation - Children & Young People Summary
STAR evaluation - Briefing for Volunteers
STAR evaluation - Full Report
Permanently Progressing longitudinal study
Article 16 of the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child)
Children’s Hearing (Scotland) Act 2011
Children (Scotland) Act 1995
Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Human Rights Act of 1998
United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child’s 2016 Concluding observations on the UK
Guidance on Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations 2009 and the Adoption and Children (Scotland) Act 2007
Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children
Moving Forward: Implementing the ‘Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children’
Top tips for professionals when working with brothers and sisters
National Practice Guidance - Getting it Right for Sisters and Brothers
Contact After Adoption
Managing family contact during the coronavirus crisis
Read about the changes to Scots law passed in 2020 and 2021
Maintaining Sibling Relationships
SIRCC conference 2019 presentation
Scottish Care Leavers Covenant Conference 2019 Siblings
Siblings Reunited
Siblings Map
Siblings Map
Seldom seen sibling report - SIRCC Journal Autumn 2022
Born into Care in Scotland and Supporting Roots - recording of seminar
Growing Shoots with Deep Roots

A Scotland wide partnership aimed at improving and changing legislation, policy and practice.

© 2024 Stand up for Siblings

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