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Would you like to help develop and spread good practice in supporting relationships between brothers and sisters in care in Scotland?

As part of funding from The Promise Scotland, AFKA Scotland is evaluating Siblings Reunited (STAR) in Fife. STAR is a specialist service supporting family time together for brothers and sisters where local authorities are unable to provide this from within their own resources.  AFKA’s research team are looking to hear from lots of people about their views and experiences of STAR.  You can watch a short video introducing the research here.

You can complete the online survey if you are:

  • a local authority manager involved with locality children and families services, fostering, kinship, or adoption
  • are a social worker or other professional working with a child who has attended STAR
  • a social worker who has had no involvement with STAR
  • a parent or caregiver of a child or young person who has attended STAR
  • a care experienced adult who has attended STAR
  • a current or former volunteer at STAR

Please look out for more information we’ll be sharing through social media and e-mail, and it would be very helpful if you can re-share this information within your networks.  To find out more about ways that you can take part, please e-mail mark.hardy@afkascotland.org

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